Connect To Your Spirit family & Friends

Provide Clairty & Understanding About Your Life Situation

What is a Reading?

If you book an on-line reading with me what will happen?

All readings are done on zoom and will take 45 minutes. 

They are always fun and light and you are never told anything negative. 

They are uplifting and are aimed to be of a true insight and adventure into understanding more about you and your life.

I always endeavour to do my upmost best for you - to be a clear channel and provide clarity and insight.

There are many reasons why people come to me for a reading. For some, they wish to connect once again with family and friends who have passed into the spirit world.

Others want to understand more about their life. They want clarity and some direction in their life; whether career, relationships or a deeper understanding of why they are in the world? What their true purpose is?

The type of reading you would like can be decided by you at the start. The best readings are often multi-faceted, when many questions can be covered – if the person so wishes. 

The type of questions that can be asked on your behalf can include:

What is your Divine purpose in this life?

What is holding you back? 

Who wants to communicate from the spirit world (loved ones, family, friends and pets)?

What are your departed family and friends getting up to now, who have they met and what do they want to achieve next?

What does your Higher Self (guardian Angel) want you to know?

Are there any previous lives that were once lived by you that are holding you back now?

What strengths have been forgotten from lives in the past?

Why have you come to the earth?

Who are your spirit guides and helpers? What do they want to say to you?

What is next for you, where do you go from here?

Where would your spirit want you to go next?

How may you be assisted to move forward in your life at this present stage?

And more…….


Therapeutic Mediumship

Therapeutic mediumship is a practice that involves using mediumship to provide healing and comfort to individuals who are either grieving the loss of a loved one, or find themselves 'Stuck in life' and wanting to find a greater clarity, Joy and Happiness.

Adrian has the ability to communicate with spirits or those who have passed away. He is capable of revealing the unseen. Making what appears invisible, present  and understandable to the person.

In therapeutic mediumship, the medium connects with the spirit of a deceased loved one and relays messages and memories from the spirit to the individual seeking comfort. These messages can provide reassurance, closure, and emotional healing to those who are grieving.

Therapeutic mediumship can also be a helpful tool for individuals who seek guidance in their life. They may be struggling mentally and emotionally. They may feel at a loss in which direction to turn to find happiness. 

Adrian uses his sensitivity and psychic abilities to reveal a persons hidden qualities, possibilities and potentials. As well as sense what may be holding the person back from having a happy, joyful life. Helping them to regain a greater sense of purpose and joy.

It is important to note, that therapeutic mediumship is not a replacement for professional therapy or counselling. It can be a complementary tool used in conjunction with other forms of therapy to provide emotional support and healing.

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