Spirit Adi :
Dr. Adrian Cobb B.A(Hons.), B.Sc. Chiro, D.C, I.C.S.S.D
 Doctor of Chiropractic, Acupuncturist, Healer, Therapeutic Medium

"Wisdom Begins in Wonder" - Socrates

My First Spiritual Experience:

Hi,  I'm known as Spirit Adi. My full name is Dr. Adrian (Adi) Cobb. In addition to my natural Psychic, Clairvoyant  & Therapeutic Mediumship abilities, I'm a state registered Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and Healer. I  have been involved in the healing profession for over 30 years. 

I first became aware of the Spirit World in my 20’s. A few months after my grandfather (who I was very close too) had died, I was sitting quietly and feeling somewhat down about life - when suddenly I felt my grandfather’s spiritual presence next to me. 

It was such a solid experience, so comforting and something I could not deny.
This experience helped awaken me to the Spirit World.

Subsequently, I have been very blessed to see and feel many of my spirit family, friends, guides and guardians. Having many ‘paranormal’ events including past life memories, Astral Travelling into the Spirt Worlds and angelic experiences.

My grandfather continues to assist me from the spirit world in my daily life and in
particular my mediumship development.

For mediumship development is really a lifelong expansion of one’s sensitivity to the spiritual dimensions.

It is in recent years that I have made a firm time commitment to help more people and bring together again loved ones, families, friends and pets who have been separated through Death. I'm now travelling through out the country holding Public Demonstrations of Mediumship , as well as one to one On-Line readings. In addition, I now offer 2 hour Private Demonstrations of mediumship for small groups of people within a home environment.

 Sharing messages from those who have passed into the world of Spirit is a wonderful gift for me to give to those who come for readings. The bonus for me being that I get to meet and know the lives of people who have passed.

My aim is to bring comfort and joy back into the lives of those who have lost someone and help show that life always continues and death is not to be feared or dreaded!  As well as bringing insight, guidance and direction into someone’s life path.

*Please note that Dr.Cobb is a state registered chiropractor, a Doctor of Chiropractic and does not hold (or imply to hold a general medical qualification.)

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